ASCS-S' Consultant might have over two decades of experience in the Health and Social Sector which in itself, we would hope offer its clients some reassurance, but it’s her vision and passion in serving the Autistic and Neurodiverse community that really speaks volumes.
Being a Neurodiverse parent to an autistic child has offered great insight and perspective in so many aspects which Lisa feels she will be forever grateful for. These experiences have influenced, supported and shaped the services ASCS-S offer today, it is also the very reason why Lisa feels so passionate and dedicated about the work she does through the services she offers at ASCS-S and that’s to encourage greater equality, and help society discourage seeing autistic people as ‘different’ because they aren’t.
So, whether you are looking for support associated with Health and Social Care, Education, Employment or Criminal Justice, a package can be devised to suit your needs.
Services are available to and for public, private and third sector agencies, and remember, whatever you need, you are in safe hands with Autism Specific Consultancy Services Scotland.

You, the customer are the focus of everything I do, so please feel free to get in touch anytime to discuss how I can help you.
Lisa Moir - Neurodivergent Consultant.